Volunteer ✺
We need volunteers to set up, operate, and pack up OUTsider 2025
The enthusiasm, commitment, and hard work of volunteers enable our festival to pursue its mission to celebrate the bold originality and creative nonconformity of the LGBTQ+ communities through the presentation of provocative, overlooked, and out-of-the-box art. Volunteering with OUTsider allows you to participate in the presentation of one of Austin’s most beloved LGBTQ+ festivals and to also enjoy the fest as a fan.
Here is what you can expect as an OUTsider 2025 volunteer:
All volunteers are expected to attend the virtual Volunteer Training Session on Tuesday, February 18 at 6:30pm (central). The session will take place on Google Meet, and will contain important information about the festival and its operations. Volunteers who are unable to attend the session must contact our volunteer coordinator, Em, as soon as possible in order to schedule an alternate training time.
Duties for volunteers include set-up (decorating, setting up stations, assembling staging, hanging banners), box office support (badge sales, will-call), operations (crowd control and attendee counting), and other tasks as needed. Most duties should be clear from the shift/s you sign up for, but you’re welcome to send any questions to the Volunteer Coordinator.
Volunteers will have the opportunity to gain admittance to one performance (as space allows) per shift served; selected performances must take place outside of the time of the volunteer’s shift—for availability and communications reasons, volunteers cannot attend the performance/s occurring during their shift time/s.
As a volunteer, you’ll be part of a team that’s putting on a one-of-a-kind event. It’s a fun way to meet people in the queer and art worlds, and you’ll have the satisfaction of knowing you were a big part of making the festival happen!